

The major Turnkey projects and indigenization efforts during the execution of major works undertaken are as follows:

    • Setting up of HP Shot Blasting Facility at Indian Navy (Visakhapatnam) for High Pressure Cylinder Shot Blasting and Internal Cleaning. The activity involves design, development and commissioning of the Shot Blasting Machine to cater to blasting of HP Air Cylinders used in Ships and Submarines.
    • Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Onboard Test Equipments for Indian Naval Ships and Submarines. The instruments range from basic handheld testing and measuring equipments to Master Calibrators and high end equipment of strategic and tactical importance.
    • Setting up of Calibration Laboratory for Indian Navy (Visakhapatnam) for testing and calibrating equipments of various types all under one roof.
    • Indigenization of Pressure, Temperature and Differential Pressure instruments and gauges. The Russian products were studied and re-designed and engineered indigenously, in close collaboration with M/s Wika, Germany and M/s HGuru and M/s Zoom Instruments as our Manufacturing and Component Partners. The equipments are well proven and withstanding the further test of time and are in use today on various vessels.
    • Design, Fabrication and Installation of Mobile De-slushing Plant for Flushing the internal Pipelines of Ships and underwater vessels. The entire plant was conceptualized by our technical team while understating and catering to the users requirements.
    • Turnkey Project for Installation & Commissioning of 9 new Chilled Air Handling Units and overhauling of old system and other HVAC systems.
    • Parking, Installation of captive power diesel generation, HPA compressor and other facilities.
    • Design, supply, fabrication, installation and commissioning of HP Air and Condensate pipelines for test and trial of systems onboard underwater vessels.
    • Augmentation, Design, Development and Automation of Heavy Metal Storage facility including fabrication, electrification and civil works.
    • Refit and Repair of various Indian navy class ships with more than 200 tonnage of steel renewal work, de-gutting, fitment, and pressure testing.
    • Rewinding of Motors and Motor Stators on INS for Eastern Naval Command.
    • Rate Contract for Dock Blocks Preparation, Docking and UnDocking of Naval Vessels of all class.
    • Design and Manufacturing of Dunk Body Loading Trolleys (Ver-1) for Sonar Equipment.
    • Supply, Testing, Commissioning and Installation of Surface.
    • Plate Cast Iron Grade – I and Cast iron T-slotted Bed Plate of Nominal Sizes Along with complete standard accessories for Augmentation of Shore Support Facilities.
    • Manufacture, supply, test and commissioning of 2 No. Brows (Gangways) for IN Ships in Western Command. com

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